Ifølge IFEX:
(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) - Paris 03.03.11 - In anticipation of a judgement by a French court in a criminal defamation trial concerning the publication of an academic book review, ARTICLE 19 urges the French Government to issue a moratorium on the initiation of criminal defamation cases and adopt legislation to repeal all criminal defamation provisions as soon as possible. The upcoming trial of two law professors puts into sharp relief the challenges posed by France's criminal defamation law to academic freedom and freedom of expression more broadly.
"President Sarkozy announced the decriminalisation of defamation at the Court of Cessation in January 2009. We are now in 2011, and criminal defamation cases are still taking place," said Agnes Callamard, ARTICLE 19 Executive Director.
In the next few days, the Tribunal de Grand Instance de Paris is due to deliver its verdict in the criminal libel trials of two law professors, Professor Thomas Weigend of the University of Cologne and Professor Joseph Weiler of New York University, who is the editor-in-chief of the European Journal of International Law.
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