Om en anmeldelse i London Review of Books af biografi om Breivik

Troels Heeger 12/11 2014

Her er en anmeldelse i London Review of Books af en engelsk oversættelse af en biografi om Breivik, der kommer ind på den skandinaviske ytringsfrihedsdebat. Den starter sagligt og interessant, men så går der vrøvl i den – hvis man går ind for ytringsfrihed er man nok i virkeligheden lige så slem som en antisemit:

Norway isn't the only European country in which the cause of free speech has been travestied by bigots. Throughout the continent, but especially in Scandinavia, demagogid 'critics of islam' have styled themselves as modern-day Dreyfusards willing to speak truths that politically correct liberals don’t dare express. The recent electoral successes of the right-wing Swedish Democrats, France’s Front National and Geert Wilders in Holland have been fuelled by their appeals to anti-Muslim fear. As Bangstad writes, socially liberal right-wing populists now claim to be carrying on the campaign that began more than two centuries ago with the revolt against the superstitions – and privileges – of the church. Its liberal credentials, they say, should be self-evident: why should Europeans give any quarter to those who cover their women and attack the achievements of postwar social movements, from women’s emancipation to gay marriage – not to mention those among them who support jihad? In 1892, Edouard Drumont set up an anti-Semitic newspaper to expose the Jews’ disloyalty to France; he called it La Libre Parole.